I am a lifelong intuitive and empath. My passion and life’s purpose is to help others know themselves at the soul level — the core of who we really are — and to help them transform and heal wounds – physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally so that they may live a fulfilling, soul-led life.

I was guided into this area all my life, but the final push I received was during my mother’s last year as she battled cancer. My mother was on very little medication as she wanted to remain alert to enjoy her family, especially her grandchildren, when they came to visit. Needless to say, my mom was in tremendous pain.

She had a wonderful hospice worker who used hypnosis and energy healing to ease her pain and bring her to a place of peace and relaxation. The transformation was remarkable. I wanted to bring the same level of healing and comfort to others. Since this time, I have discovered many other modalities and continue to be amazed at the wisdom of the body, mind and soul and the power we have to transform and heal ourselves.

I love this work and feel blessed to do it. Seeing the beauty in others when they can’t quite see it themselves and being a witness to their transformation is a joy.

Lauri-Sophia Rose